Reflections on a Trip



It is not often that one gets the chance to travel, for an extended period of time, with one’s loved ones. Yes, I do hold my parents dear to heart – they are more than just family to me, whatever implications of obligation that word may entail to some.

Beautiful as the places we visited were, it was more important to me (though I’ll admit that this was not always the primary thought on my mind as I was travelling) that we would enjoy our time together – enjoy the food, the sights, the experiences, and the company together.

But travelling is also a stressful experience. There’s so much to keep a hand on, to be concerned about, to be mindful of. I forget that my parents are no longer young, they are in their 50s, and their stamina is no longer what it used to be. I forget that they are no longer the adventurous 20 year-old individuals that once moved themselves across land and seas to work in a foreign land, where they met, that time and expectations had mellowed them. Perhaps I am at the stage where they once were in their youth. And it was this ignorance that left me impatient at times, and irritable at others. Forgive me.

Yet in the years to come, the struggles during this trip will surely fade away, what will remain are the rosy memories (undoubtedly tinted) of beautiful sights enjoyed together, and the company, enjoyed together. Thank you for these moments.

I am truly blessed.

On Defending Belief

In the matter of belief, I have always found that defenses have the same irrelevance about them as the criticisms they are meant to answer. I think the attempt to defend belief can unsettle it… because there is always an inadequacy in argument about ultimate things. We participate in Being without remainder. No breath, no thought, no wart or whisker, is not as sunk in Being as it could be. And yet no one could say what Being is. If you describe what a thought and a whisker have in common… excluding “existence,” which merely restates the fact that they have a place on our list of known and nameable things… which would yield as insight: being equals insight… a wonderful thing, [but] still too partial in an infinite degree to have any meaning

John Ames, Gilead

Another Year Older

I have more insight than all my teachers,
for I meditate on your statutes.
I have more understanding than the elders,
for I obey your precepts.

My birthday wish, I suppose, is not one of a material nature. I yearn for wisdom – not knowledge, but a deeper understanding and maturity in thought.

I’m really blessed to have good friends in my life – albeit a small pool, but numbers don’t matter in these sort of things.

10 April, 10.23pm. The light in my room was turned off – something which I hadn’t done before I left for the shower. Sigh, “those two people next door.”; the folks in the adjacent bunk had once came into my room to turn off the light while I was out. Nothing significantly wrong with that, though I’d prefer if they did not trespass in such a manner. I opened the door, and I saw 2 back-lit figures in the room, one sitting on my bed, the other standing behind it – the effect of it was not unlike that of the photographical term contre-jour, but I digress. That bothered me, and my mind spurned such thoughts: what the hell are the two of you doing in my room; not only do you turn off my light, now you’re trying to scare me? As I inched towards the light switch, a deep voice boomed behind me. It was familiar, yet I couldn’t see how that should happen. It was S from my previous section. Flick. And I was surprised. S, CL, JX, Sgt P and PS YK were all in the room, and a small yellow (unmistakably cake-containing) box sat on a chair in the middle of the room.

Thanks for the surprise, it really made my day (which was otherwise a boring one).

12 April, night. Kilo (it’s atmosphere and food) was great, but the company was greater.

Free Will vs. Determinism

While I was in Brunei, someone posed me this question: Is there truly free will in Christianity, especially when it is God who dictates what is right and wrong, and punishes ‘wrong-doers’? This is roughly what I answered him with:

I believe that while God is all knowing – every choice we make is known to Him, we are still granted the ability to choose, regardless of whether there are any internal or external factors contributing to that choice. The ability to choose, in spite of one’s circumstances or the number of choices available is what I define as free will.

Absolute right and wrong is dictated by God, assuming that He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, and both of them exist as possibilities that we must constantly choose between.

We are given the free will to choose between them, as well as a myriad of options that fall between what is defined as absolutely right or wrong. This choice is granted to us because of two reasons: 1. We are created in His image – that is to say that choice is an attribute of God that we are granted. 2. Complete love is reciprocative – not only does God love us, but He desires us to love Him as well – therein lies the necessity for our free will, that we consciously choose to follow Him, and therefore sacrifice for Him as He did for us, rather than being mere mindless beings.

As Anthony Burgess put it, “When a man cannot chose, he ceases to be a man.”

And while mankind may be deemed a fallen creature, he is not without the ability of discernment – it is one thing to know what is moral, it is another to choose to follow it. We were created in His image, and possess godly characteristics inherently as a result, in spite of our sinful nature. This inherent knowledge of good and evil is further guided by information and guidelines offered to guide discernment and choice – they exist in the written word of God.

Yes, I do subscribe to the Arminianism school of thought when it comes to free will in the Christian context. And my thoughts are a little messy – I am no philosopher.

Any thoughts?

Help Me Overcome My Unbelief!

Mark 9:24 is fast becoming something that I quote quite frequently, perhaps in my bid to express the extent of my humanity in matters pertaining to a realm beyond my own.

I’ve been pandering a pretty dark valley these past few weeks, and this cry (the title of the post) has been on my mind along with other things. I want to believe in something real, I want You to be with me, I want Your rod and staff to be my source of comfort.

And hence it is rather interesting to be recommended two separate songs, along with a chance encounter today with a stranger, to be a reminder that I am not alone.

I’d like to believe that all of these were not by chance.

The Great Unknown

1 Corinthians 15:55 – “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?”

Just last week, as I was on the train with Joel, I had a particular discussion with him – it pertained to faith, and if one could truly be sure of our eternal security, or even the existence of God for that matter.

What would happen to us when we pass on? Do we return to ashes and nothing more? Do we enter an eternal realm of bliss? Or do we pass into eternal torment because all that we had lived for wasn’t true – these were all questions that often occurred in my head, even as I profess to believing in God.

Kierkegaard coined the notion of leaping to faith, where the act of faith is born out of faith.

Personally, I do not believe that one can be fully convinced when it comes to religion – we do live in a fallen world. I will never be fully certain about the truth of God – it is simply a fact that this life is one defined by uncertainty (rather ironically of course). Yet it is truly remarkable that in every aspect of our lives, suggestions of His existence and grace are plentiful – should we choose to interpret them as such.

Reading the Daily Bread (October 15) sometime this week, I came across an interesting perspective on a familiar verse (Psalm 23). It hovered on how death was merely a transitory period into the afterlife, and suggested that the “darkest valley” of that psalm be viewed as so. I’ve always thought of that as merely a metaphor for the trials and pains of life, not the final frontier.

And sometime this week, Newsweek published an excerpt from a book published by a neurosurgeon entitled Proof of Heaven: A Doctor’s Experience with the Afterlife. While it was replete with seemingly cliched images of the afterlife (think fluffy clouds, gleaming crystal etc.), I’d like to think that it was placed in an issue of Newsweek that I had access to for a reason.

I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!


Psalm 103:1-4 – “Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. and forget not all his benefits- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion”

Last weekend’s service preached on God being our peace – Jehovah Shalom. It is one that manifests itself in known and unknown ways. It tends to be an internal one, but can manifest itself in bold and surprising ways. It’s interesting how Shalom in its own right is a greeting, Hebrew for “God be with you” – I suppose the presence of God and His intervention is paramount for peace.

I cannot say that I am truly at peace with where I am, but that is because I am looking at it from the very human perspective – finding equilibrium, or being in control. Yet I was calm this week, because circumstances played out, blessing after blessing. It was a good week, I won’t deny that.

03.09.12 As off-kilter as the subsequent portion may seem here, I feel that I really want to catalogue/chronicle as much of my thoughts as possible on this blog, even if they may seem incoherent collectively – such are the rambles and musings that I pour into my Muji diary when I am in camp.

Sleep in camp has been particularly odd last night, as was the nap in the morning. At hearing my alarm in the morning, I simply couldn’t figure out what that noise was – such a feeling was surreal, otherworldly. I suppose I was still in my dreamscapes. Then came the oddity of a nap sometime in the morning – I guess I was in a partially awake state, or perhaps in a moment of delirium; I started to get panicky, worrying about where I had placed my glasses. Yet I was still in my bed, unable to search around (or perhaps I did, in a state of sleep-walking/moving). Only later did the realization hit me that it was on the bed’s headboard, where I always leave it when I lie down.

Madness is prevalent in my camp, but then again, what is normalcy when one’s state of rationality and level-headedness isn’t part of the status quo. Every day, people shout for no reason, yelling things with all the air in their lungs, when simply speaking it out with a normal tone would suffice. Daily, conflicts arise for highly silly reasons, especially over pride-related issues. But lunacy on a level that I witnessed on Monday afternoon was unprecedented – many people do try to escape outfield moments, but it was the first time I had witnessed anyone resorting to self-injury to do so. I shall cease to discuss this any further, except by saying that he needs help – lest it spirals into something far more detrimental.

04.09.12 – 05.09.12
The actual outfield experience this time around was quite relaxed – that I must admit. Such was the case because we weren’t actually on any form of military exercise, rather, we were offering another unit (let’s call them Five) support services – we were the enemies that they were to attack. All of us were issued with a little laser-emitting gadget that was supposed to track how we fire at others (and how they were wounded or killed) and vice versa. My unit didn’t work, so there wasn’t any incentive for me to actually shoot any blank rounds – I couldn’t be “killed”, nor could I “kill” any of those people charging at me, so I was as good as a spectator. That lightened one burden for me – having to expend many rounds, and consequently having to clean my rifle particularly thoroughly.

I got a chance to catch up on some snooze in the night as well, just prior to the morning attack that the Five were supposed to execute, because they came late – at least an hour or so. Coupled with my defective electronic laser unit, I didn’t really need to put up a fight.

The next day featured a different terrain – this time around, we weren’t in a forested area, but rather, an urban setting. By the grace of God, I got selected to be stationed inside an SUV – we were to patrol the area for Five troops, and fire at them. In the end, because of how things played out (it was remarkably difficult to communicate with others when one was roaming around in an SUV – the communication equipment were really lousy), we ended up doing more waiting than actually moving around – which was a good thing, it involved sitting down inside a vehicle. Nothing more.

06.09.12 – 07.09.12

Joshua 23:8 – “But you are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now.”

Theft cases occur rather often in my camp, but I think have been spared, until now. I didn’t lose much, simply because I didn’t bring much cash to camp, but just the notion that someone around me would steal is rather vexing. I suspect I had forgotten to lock my cupboard – that is my own misdoing, but that doesn’t give that individual an excuse to help himself to the contents of my wallet.

I take back the statement that I have been spared thus far – there was another incident where my wallet was found to be completely empty; back then, I had suspected that I had forgotten to bring cash into camp.

I must be more cautious. There’s a kleptomaniac in camp, no there isn’t. There’s probably someone who needs money to indulge in cigarettes, and conveniently helps himself to others’. But I’m being harsh here – such a statement implicates almost everyone in my camp as a suspect, and that most definitely isn’t the case. Justice and vengeance is the Lord’s, and I must hold on to that fact, and be more careful.

We booked out by 5pm on Thursday, as there was a platoon barbeque at a sergeant’s place the following day – that proved a slightly awkward few hours, if anything. I suppose I just have a hard time bonding with most of my platoon mates – we are so very different. But it was most definitely interesting to see them outside of camp, and to see a different (non-military) side to them.

I was still quite hungry after leaving the barbeque, so I suggested to CL to join me for dinner deux at Fei Fei – it was my first time trying it after hearing so much about it from Joel during my JC years. It wasn’t bad, though not as good as Foong Kee in Chinatown.

I decided to give the Sunday service a miss this weekend because of the Army Half Marathon (AHM) that we were required to attend – thankfully, we were participating in the 5km version of it, instead of the longer distance races. It was an early morning – I woke up at 5am, even earlier than I would in camp, and all that was in my mind was to get it over and done with. I wasn’t the only one with such a desire – I suspect most of the NSFs there felt the same, especially since most (myself included) would get a day off on Monday in return for our participation. I suppose that’s a good deal. It was really messy there, the place was chock full of people, and needless to say, the initial idea of ‘running as a platoon/company’ proved unfeasible – that allowed me to walk a large bulk of the route (and allowed me to avoid sweating much). Plus the weather was good, and there were many interesting sights to behold (such as the vast openness of the undeveloped portions of Marina Bay, or some historic buildings here and there – I’m such an architecture geek).

It wasn’t long before it was over (far earlier than I had expected, might I add), and CL and I headed to the Asian Civilisation Museum to freshen up. YL wouldn’t join us – he was too keen on dashing home to reclaim his weekend duty as a keyboard warrior. That aside, it was great to escape from the crowd – who’d ever think of using the loos at a museum: no one my age would (well, barely anyone if I were to get into the technicalities of things). And then came a short but good breakfast at Blackbird Cafe – a basket of bread, a pot of Darjeeling and most importantly, good company and a cosy environment. It was a good morning, without doubt. CL left soon after the meal, and I wandered off into the Peranakan museum – I’m also a culture geek. I really love the Armenian Street area; it’s so quaint and historic. And then there was lunch at Saveur with the folks afterwards.

It was a good day. It was a peaceful day.

It was a good week. It was a peaceful week.

It will be a good week – I hope.

In August

It has been quite some time since I last blogged about anything, much less about my army life; I suppose things have either been too busy (i.e. a short weekend, activities etc.) or that I have been rather lazy – it does take quite a bit of effort (not to mention time – a very precious commodity) to pour out my thoughts and rambles.

In the past month or so, quite a bit has happened; moods have rose and fell, faith has surged and waned, my body has been rejuvenated and worn down. Its cyclical and unceasing, much like the ebbing of sea currents. And since it would take far too much (unnecessary) effort to actually reflect on the many mundane moments of that period, I’ll just stick with the highlights.

9TH AUGUST – SINGAPORE’S NATIONAL DAY For quite a few weekends prior to that day, we’ve been stationed at the Marina Bay area on Saturdays to do some form of crowd management for the NDP rehearsals. This day was the final one, the one that would put an end to the few weeks of Monday night book-ins that we’ve been having. Everything went smoothly, not unlike how it was with the previous weeks. Everything went smoothly, except for one thing – my allergic reaction, which I had briefly mentioned some time ago. It was the cause for a miserable evening, and a terrible way to spend (or rather, the inability to spend) the few off-duty days that we had received. The consolation however was that the allergic reaction gave me a reason to get two more days of MC (I wasn’t fully well by Tuesday), and so, that gave me a really short week in camp. One and a half days to be precise, and those days were really restful as well – especially since there was a Hari Raya celebration in camp.

MY RAISON D’ETRE – I’d type it in proper French if the blogging software I used would simply stop messing up foreign characters when it published things. I don’t exactly remember the moment that I suddenly had a bout of an existential doubt, but I do know it came about when I was contemplating my interests, my distaste for the army, and how life will play out – we fight to work, to survive, and then to die. I truly want to lead a meaningful and enriching life, but if it were all to cease so abruptly and insidiously, then what was the point of anything at all? I suppose Dr. Frankl’s notion that one must have the will to meaning is extremely true – life hinges on its purpose. Hence the aptness of a verse that I found the next day:

Psalm 119:116-117 – Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed. Uphold me, and I will be delivered; I will always have regard for your decrees.

Sometime in the month, I found out that Ansen got a new post in the armskote of his unit – it is good news, and I am happy for him; life will be so much better, as opposed to him having to be on 7 days of continuous guard duty. And it was made possible through the people that God had placed in his camp, things played out nicely (over time, in a really unexpected manner). And it was through this moment that he saw the grace and love of God; that is something worth rejoicing about. Yet it was also a bittersweet moment for me. Out of my close group of friends, I was the only one still trapped. It was terrible and selfish for me to feel this way – I hate myself for that. But I really want to be doing something less taxing, both physically and emotionally.

I hate being out in the field. It’s dirty, bug-infested (those that creep around creepily and those that annoyingly bite), but above all (or perhaps, as a result of those), it is the severe loss of personal comfort that I cannot stand at all. And there were two in the week that just passed, not to mention that there will be more ahead in the coming weeks.

The first one was the platoon live shoot (on a Monday), and it was supposed to have been a really easy day for me. With the exception of bashing through some bits of vegetation, all I had to do was wait till it was over, without even firing a single shot. That was what I thought was in store for me, that was indeed supposed to have been the case for me, until members of my platoon started falling out, be it via simply not turning up to camp the night before, or by taking MCs. It is indeed a problem that plagues my camp (and I am sure, other camps for that matter). I ended up being a replacement for one missing guy. That wasn’t so bad, I consoled myself. And it was true, until the weather started getting torrential. It was far from what I wanted – prior experience had taught me that. I did not want to end up being in pools of mud, but honestly, I would rather do that than to have the activity postponed to what would most probably be on a weekend. The rain finally ceased at around 2pm – just in time for us to start with the blank shoot (every live shoot must be preceded by a blank practice – while it’s tiresome, it’s a safety practice that I agree with). After trekking through vegetation for slightly over a kilometre, we were about to commence with the shoot, and then it rained again. Heavily – that resulted in the shoot being cancelled yet again, except this time, we were soaked in the process. Everything else in the day went relatively smoothly, except for the lingering discomfort of being wet (not only were the clothes on our backs soaked, so were our feet – they were swimming in water-logged boots). It goes without saying that the rain caused the grounds to get muddy – and we were muddied, but that was not as grave an annoyance and discomfort as the state of wetness that we were in. We were cold and wet – and by a certain point, hungry, all the makings of being miserable. I was just thankful that the day was over. And one more thing: I had left my blank attachment (it is a small metal contraption added to the rifle to allow it to fire blank rounds) not far from the place where we departed – that freaked me out ridiculously. I didn’t want to get into any trouble for losing a weapon part, and I was insanely upset with myself for being so careless. Long story short, it was found (rather easily might I add), and I was not punished – it is the grace of God that I have to thank for that. I suppose that was the only good thing that came out of the day, apart from being spared any lightning strikes and being shot by rounds.

The next one was a platoon outfield exercise. This one was marginally better than the live shoot, though it was not any less tiring. We had to dig a shell scrape (basically, a shallow trench/pit in the ground) to rest in the night before – we did in close to complete darkness, save for a torch light. It was excruciatingly frustrating to do that – not only was one battling a task that would be tiring on its own, it was made more difficult by the darkness, and in addition, the heat rashes that I had developed as a result of Monday’s activity. All I can say is that I was amazed that God had brought me through the whole entire night – it felt like eternity when I was digging that hole. We were supposed to stay awake at some point in the night to guard the place, but I fell asleep during my shift, and I must say, it was truly necessary – the next day’s activity would be immensely tiring. We were to attack enemies (rather ironically, these were played by some those who tried to weasel their way out of attending this outfield exercise by getting a MC) who dotted a very long and steep incline, but not before an insanely arduous trek through vegetation – that lasted over 4 hours. It was supposed to be around 4 kilometres, but it felt far longer, and I am sure that it was, given the detours that were made here and there. And just when that was over, we had yet another mission to complete – to attack another enemy hideout. It was supposedly near to where we ended the previous attack, but that walk took another 2 hours.

Truly, I say, outfield is ridiculously silly. And tiring.

And that is all that I have to say.